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Jeff DesRoche
CL: Would you like to move somewhere else to ride where there is no snow, or rather stay where you are?
JD: I have been thinking about getting out of here a lot lately! Im working on a few idears to go live with Brendon Fenton out Montreal, there is a fucking huge skatepark there so we can ride all year round! Thats just an idear though, also im thinking about moving off to France too, you know to ride with all the amazing French riders! I got the chance next year because im going to be donechool
in spring! So all still is in the works!
CL: Are you an internet junki?
JD: Yeah its kind of something im not proud of, I feel stupid when I chill on this shit! But at the same time I always cant stay away, e-mail is cool you know not having to wait for the letter to arrive or not having to pay the phone bill! Its all worth rotting my brain I guess, im not planning on using my brain till im married and shit so fuck it!
CL: What do you think about us doing this interview though the internet?
I think its kind of neat how we can talk without paying...........fuck see there I go again being a internet fag!~(Laughter!)
CL: What are you working on new?
JD: Do you mean tricks? I useally dont tell that but im trying to do a lot rear wheel shit! Upside down pedaling mega spins and that! Im still trying it so far but its getting there, I gusse! As for the front wheel, thats where I become my own! I think that im heading torwards original shit, I hate trying something that I just seen on a video you know, I wanna work new shit thats not been done! Well I also try things that have been done with brakes and try them with none! Like some flips to hikers and that! I got the clicked brakeless!
CL: Give me the meaning of the word, original in your own definition.
JD: My world is all about originality! I hate it when someone tries to do what you do! My definition is being seperated from others, not trying to do what others do! I mean sure people influence you some what but hell, a carbon copy is totaly out of the question! Im kinda my own person, or i'd like to think that I am anyways! I wear fruity stuff sometimes, I like to do my own things, be myself! Try something that the next guys has not yet though about!
CL: How good do you think you and Mikes newest video (Solution) is on a rate one though twelve?
JD: (Laughter!) Im guessing that its not top notch! I'v had a few complaints (I think hes talking about me) about it but im still going to have to give it something around a ten! Man seriously, the riding in this video is insane, no one really knows about the scene in Japan and New Orleans and Canada! The riders are fucking dope, not to mention that Mike is fucking sick himself! No-handed backpackers and all that shit! Its dope buy it! You like it! Trust me! Go to
products for info on it!
CL: Ok now the last question.........who would you like to thank?
JD: Im going to have to start it off with South Riders for the interview, Mike MacPhaden for being so dope and pushing me to greater heights in my riding!! My lady Cassidy for such dope times! Brendon Fenton for hooking me up with Gouin bikes! Odyssey parts, NIKE, Canada, Jay Smith, mom/dad, Terry Berry! Kevin at Impala cycles! Gabe Kadmiri, Scott o! And to all who I forgot, you know
who you are!
CL: Thanks.--------------------------------
Jeff DesRoche interview Copyright © 2000 South Riders -
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