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I got a chance to talk with rookie Pro, Anthony Durbano during his brief stint as a member of the Athens Family. Since then he has moved back to Philadelphia and Managed to take second place (behind Chase Gouin) at the Elsinore flat competition in Toronto this past March. I've also seen the guy swallow a Tooney (a big Canadian two dollar coin) and live to tell the tale. Ant is a mellow, nice guy who just happens to ride his 20" in a parking lot for 6 hours a day. Here's your chance to get to know Anthony Durbano.
Anthony Durbano cruising down the lot.

Matt Hulgan(MH): Ok, give me your stats and measurements. Anthony Durbano(AD): OK. it's Anthony Durbano. I'm 18 years old. And I'm from Philadelphia Pennsylvania.

MH: You're pretty young to have all those tattoos. AD: (laughing) Yeah? Uh, I guess I started getting them when I was sixteen... So...

MH: OK then, how long have you been riding?
Ahhh... about 4 and a half years.

MH: Damn! And you're a pro now right?


MH: What sort of competing have you done so far? AD: I've done a couple 2hip contests and I think one ? up in Virginia... I don't know. I'm not really on the contest scene too much.

MH: Are you riding for anybody now?
Naah. No one.

MH: What significance do you think flatland will have in say 10 years on the whole of riding? AD: I don't know about that, but freestyle in it's self I think is going toward harder tricks. It's getting crazy now with all the tricks. In 5 years It'll probably be the same. Just new faces and new tricks.

MH: Besides Kevin Jones, who do you think is the most influential rider right now? AD: For me?

MH: Yeah. AD: You're right Kevin is it for everybody... I like Andrew Arroyo, (Sean) McKinney influences me a lot. Just original riders and smooth riders. Pretty much everybody. I feed off of everybody. You know? Just the atmosphere of riding it's self.

What got you into riding BMX at all? AD: Jesse Puente in 1993. He was at a 2b homecooked contest in Emmaus PA.

So you were just happening by and saw the contest? AD: I had a Freestyle bike, but I just cruised on it. Then I saw that contest and thought it was cool so...

Anthony in a switch cross-footed elaphant glide. MH: Cool so did you get into street and jumping and all the ''cool'' stuff or did you mainly stick to flatland? AD: I dabble with street and I ride a little park, You know it's nice to get a taste of something other than flatland.

So with these new bunnyhop tricks do you thing street has come to influence flatland or vice-versa? AD: I sort of think they feed off of each other. That's what I'm trying to do with my riding. Trying to put in a little of a street flavor.

MH: Can you give any examples?
AD: Well I'm doing like g-turns to nollie/ bunnyhop to land x-up. A lot of 180º stuff.

If your house was burning down, besides
your bicycle, what would you save?

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